
替换号码 ( 090678 )


品牌 配件号码 配件名称 属性 4S店价格(元)
E.T.F. 090678 Brake Shoe Set; Brake Shoe Set, parking brake Brake Pad : with lining
Brake Pad : with lining
Brake System : Brembo
Brake System : Brembo
Fitting Position : Rear Axle
Fitting Position : Rear Axle
for article number : 09-0678
for article number : 09-0678
Diameter [mm] : 174
Diameter [mm] : 174
Width [mm] : 42
Width [mm] : 42




耐磨士467400Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
PROTECHNICPRS0661Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
臻致达KS3211Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
STELLOX000585SXBrake Shoe Set制动蹄片32
ASHUKIUS104116Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
力瑞达LS3211Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
FTEBB1430A5Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
优力362547JBrake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
ATE03013740082Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
BREMSIGF0560Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
ABECRM015ABEBrake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
泰明顿91069000Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
菲罗多FSB4103Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
ABECRM013ABEBrake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
CIFAM153249Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
ZIMMERMANN109901543Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
fri.tech.1052136Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
METZGERKR226Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
TRUCKTEC AUTOMOTIVE0235367Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
A.B.S.9210Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
TRISCAN810023032Brake Shoe Set; Brake Shoe Set, parking brake32
METELLI530249Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
TRUSTING052136Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
力派尔01056Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
OPTIMALBB7426Brake Shoe Set制动蹄片32
天合GS8777Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
美乐1145330001SBrake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
布雷博S50521Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片32
MALO1390178Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
SWAG10934314Brake Shoe Set制动蹄片22
MAPCO8836Brake Shoe Set制动蹄片22
NK2733773Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
SBS18492733773Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
FEBI BILSTEIN34314Brake Shoe Set制动蹄片22
MAGNETI MARELLI360219198366Brake Shoe制动蹄片22
GIRLING5187779Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
KAWE01056Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
德尔福LS2054Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
TOPRAN113013Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
MINTEXMFR602Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
PROTECHNICPRS0759Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
WOKINGZ467400Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
OPEN PARTSBSA224400Brake Shoe Set制动蹄片22
RAICAM2061Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
RAICAMRA20610Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
KRAFT6021214Brake Shoe Set, parking brake驻车制动片22
BORG & BECKBBS6475Brake Shoe Set制动蹄片22
