品牌 | 配件号码 | 配件名称 | 属性 | 4S店价格(元) |
HUF | 100008 | 胎压传感器 |
Bearing Type : Bolted Bearing Type : Bolted Inspection Tag : CE, FCC, IC Inspection Tag : CE, FCC, IC Housing Colour : Black Housing Colour : Black Vehicle Equipment : for vehicles with tyre pressure control system Vehicle Equipment : for vehicles with tyre pressure control system Frequency Range [MHz] : 433 Frequency Range [MHz] : 433 Weight [kg] : 0,035 Weight [kg] : 0,035 |
398.89 |
品牌 | 替换号码 | 配件名称 | 4S店价格(元) | 关联度 | 距离 | 是否原厂替换 |
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 36236781847 | 34 | 1 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 36236798726 | 车轮电子模块 | 902 | 32 | 1 | 否 |
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 36236771034 | 29 | 1 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 36236779490 | 16 | 1 | 否 | ||
奥迪,大众,斯柯达,西雅特,布加迪 | 7PP907275F | 轮胎气压传感器 | 917.56 | 21 | 3 | 否 |
奥迪,大众,斯柯达,西雅特,布加迪 | 4F0907275B | 20 | 3 | 否 | ||
保时捷 | 99760602120 | 传感器轮胎气压监控系统,传感器 | 1960.04 | 20 | 3 | 否 |
奥迪,大众,斯柯达,西雅特,布加迪 | 4F0907275D | 20 | 3 | 否 | ||
奥迪,大众,斯柯达,西雅特,布加迪 | 4F0907275 | 19 | 3 | 否 | ||
保时捷 | 95560602100 | 传感器 | 786.24 | 19 | 3 | 否 |
奥迪,大众,斯柯达,西雅特,布加迪 | 7P0907275 | 19 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 36118378682 | 车轮电子模块 RDC | 826 | 18 | 3 | 否 |
保时捷 | 99760602100 | 17 | 3 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 13227143 | 17 | 3 | 否 | ||
奔驰,精灵,迈巴赫 | A0008223306 | 压力传感器,压差传感器 | 2980.51 | 17 | 3 | 否 |
沃尔沃 | 31302096 | 传感器 | 984.84 | 17 | 3 | 否 |
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 13172567 | 轮胎气门杆 | 2470 | 17 | 3 | 否 |
奔驰,精灵,迈巴赫 | A0025408017 | 轮胎气压传感器 | 1382.43 | 17 | 3 | 否 |
福特,林肯,水星 | 8G921A159AC | 传感器总成 | 398.89 | 16 | 3 | 否 |
品牌 | 替换号码 | 配件名称 | 配件中文名称 | 关联度 | 距离 |
HUF | 100103 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system; Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 4 | 2 |
Dorman | 974079 | Dorman DiRECT-FIT Tire Pressure Monitoring System Sensor | 4 | 2 | |
电装 | 5501908 | Tire Pressure Monitoring System Sensor | 4 | 2 | |
ERA | 565032 | Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 4 | 2 |
ERA | 565009 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 4 | 2 |
HERTH+BUSS ELPARTS | 70699443 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system; Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 4 | 2 |
HERTH+BUSS ELPARTS | 70699434 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system; Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 4 | 2 |
FISPA | 79006 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 4 | 2 |
SIDAT | 79006 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 4 | 2 |
Dorman | 974302 | Dorman MULTi-FIT (433) Programmable Tire Pressure Monitoring System Sensor | 4 | 2 | |
HUF | 100129 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system; Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 4 | 2 |
WILMINK GROUP | WG1495931 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 4 | 2 |
VEMO | V20727001 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 4 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725013 | Repair Kit, wheel sensor (tyre pressure control system); Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725012 | Repair Kit, wheel sensor (tyre pressure control system); Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725010 | Repair Kit, wheel sensor (tyre pressure control system); Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725009 | Repair Kit, wheel sensor (tyre pressure control system); Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725007 | Repair Kit, wheel sensor (tyre pressure control system); Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725006 | Repair Kit, wheel sensor (tyre pressure control system); Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725005 | Repair Kit, wheel sensor (tyre pressure control system); Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725004 | Repair Kit, wheel sensor (tyre pressure control system); Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725003 | Repair Kit, wheel sensor (tyre pressure control system); Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99724028 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725002 | Nut | 螺母 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725001 | Nut | 螺母 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725011 | Repair Kit, wheel sensor (tyre pressure control system); Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
VEMO | V99725008 | Repair Kit, wheel sensor (tyre pressure control system); Valve Repair Set, (tyre press. control system) | 胎压传感器 | 3 | 2 |
HUF | 73903200 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system; Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 2 | 2 |
MOBILETRON | TXS003 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 2 | 2 |
HUF | 73901008 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system; Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 2 | 2 |
HERTH+BUSS ELPARTS | 70699433 | Wheel Sensor, tyre pressure control system | 胎压传感器 | 1 | 2 |
品牌 | 车型 | 发动机 | 发动机排量 | 进气形式 | 燃油类型 | 功率(KW) | 变速箱 | 变速箱档位数 | |
MINI | MINI 2010 | N12B16BA | 1.6L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
MINI | MINI 2010 | N12B16BA | 1.6L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
MINI | MINI 2007 | N12B16BA | 1.6L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
MINI | MINI 2007 | N12B16BA | 1.6L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
劳斯莱斯 | 幻影 标准版 2013 | N73B68A | 6.7L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 自动变速器(AT) | 8 | ||
劳斯莱斯 | 幻影 加长版EWB 2013 | N73B68A | 6.7L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 自动变速器(AT) | 8 | ||
劳斯莱斯 | 幻影 2013 | N73B68A | 6.7L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 自动变速器(AT) | 8 | ||
劳斯莱斯 | 幻影 2013 | N73B68A | 6.7L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 自动变速器(AT) | 8 | ||
劳斯莱斯 | 幻影 加长版EWB 2006 | N73B68A | 6.7L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 自动变速器(AT) | 6 | ||
劳斯莱斯 | 幻影 标准版 2004 | N73B68A | 6.7L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 自动变速器(AT) | 6 | ||
华晨宝马 | 3系 M运动型 2015 | N20B20C | 2.0T | 涡轮增压 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 8 | ||
华晨宝马 | 3系 运动设计套装 2013 | N20B20C | 2.0T | 涡轮增压 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 8 | ||
华晨宝马 | 3系 M运动型 2013 | N20B20C | 2.0T | 涡轮增压 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 8 | ||
宝马(进口) | 3系 2010 | N54B30A | 3.0T | 双涡轮增压 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
宝马(进口) | 3系 2010 | N55B30A | 3.0T | 双涡轮增压 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
宝马(进口) | 3系 2010 | N55B30 | 3.0T | 涡轮增压 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
宝马(进口) | 3系GT 设计套装型 2016 | N20B20A | 2.0T | 涡轮增压 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 8 | ||
宝马(进口) | 3系GT 设计套装型 2015 | N20B20A | 2.0T | 涡轮增压 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 8 | ||
宝马(进口) | X3 2004 | 306S3 | 3.0L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 5 | ||
宝马(进口) | X5 M 2010 | S63B44 | 4.4T | 双涡轮增压 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
宝马(进口) | X6 2009 | N63B44A | 4.4T | 双涡轮增压 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
宝马(进口) | X6 2009 | N63B44A | 4.4T | 双涡轮增压 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
宝马(进口) | Z4 2003 | 306S3 | 3.0L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 自动变速器(AT) | 5 | ||
宝马(进口) | Z4 锋尚型 2009 | N52B30AF | 3.0L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
宝马(进口) | X5 2015 | N57D30A | 3.0T | 双涡轮增压 | 柴油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 8 |