品牌 | 配件号码 | 配件名称 | 属性 | 4S店价格(元) |
CARDONE | 103615 | 制动总泵 |
Product Condition : Remanufactured FAQs : Asarule,alwaysusethebrakefluidrecommendedbytheO.E.whichisstampedonthemastercylinderlid.Note:Alwaysusenewfluidfromasealedcontainer. FAQs : Checkboosterforadefectivepushrodseal.Ifthissealisbad,itcoulddrainthebrakefluidoutofthemastercylinder. FAQs : Checkthesteeringandsuspension.Inspectbothcalipersforbindingorstickyslidesorpins.Checkbrakeliningforoil/greaseorunevenwear.Inspectbrakehosesforrestriction.Checkforpropertirepressure. FAQs : Doesastepborestylemastercylinderrequireaspecificbleedingprocess? FAQs : Dot3and4areGlycol-basedfluidsandDot5isasilicone-basedfluid. FAQs : First,checkforairinthesystem.Makesuremastercylinderislevelwhenbleeding.Airwillcompressinahydraulicsystemcausingalowpedal.Then,checkforbrakehoseswellingorexpandingunderpressure.Next,checkbrakedrums/discsforproperspecifications.Finally,checkbrakematerial. FAQs : HowcanItestamastercylindertoseeifit'sbypassing? FAQs : Ireplacedthemastercylinderandnowthepedalishighandhard.Why? FAQs : Myoriginalmastercylinderleakedoutofthebackofthepistonintotheboosterarea.Why? FAQs : Onesideofmyfrontbrakeswon’trelease,why? FAQs : Replaceallbrakefluid.Brakefluidishygroscopicwhichmeansitabsorbsmoisture.Toomuchwaterinbrakefluidwillcausevaporlockandapplypressuretothewheels.Alsocheckforproperpushrodadjustmentsandstoplight/cruisecontrolswitchadjustments. FAQs : Simplyplugthemastercylinderportsandpressthebrakepedal.Ifthemastercylinderisbypassing,thepedalwillgodown.Ifthepedalstopshard,themastercylinderisOK. FAQs : Thebrakepedalislowandspongy.Isitabadmastercylinder? FAQs : Thefirststeptobenchbleedingastepboreistoslowlydepressthemastercylinderpiston,thenreleaseslowlyandwait20secondsbeforedepressingagain.NEVERpumppiston/pedalwithastepborestylemastercylinder.Followthesameprocessonthevehicle. FAQs : Themastercylinderisworkingcorrectly.Checkforafaultybrakeboosterorfrozenwheelcylinder/caliper. FAQs : Thisiscausedbyaproblemwiththecaliperorabrakehose. FAQs : Whatcausesthebrakestolockupafteronlyacoupleofmiles? FAQs : Whatcausesthecartopulltoonesideduringbraking? FAQs : WhattypeoffluidshouldIuse:DOT3,DOT4orDOT5? FAQs : What’sthedifferencebetweenDot3,4and5? FAQs : Whyisthepistonstuckinsidetheboreofmymastercylinder? Features and Benefits : Ableedingkitissuppliedtomakethebleedingprocessfasterandeasier(whereapplicable). Features and Benefits : Boresmeetcriticalmicro-finishspecificationstoeliminatepittingandcorrosion,whichcouldcauseprematurefailure. Features and Benefits : Cast-ironmastercylindersfeatureapremiumprotectivecoatingtominimizerust,extendingon-carandon-shelflife. Features and Benefits : NewO.E.-qualitysealsandcupsareinstalledtopreventleakageandensurelike-newperformanceandreliability.AllrubbermeetsS.A.E.specifications. Features and Benefits : Pistonassembliesareheight-gaugedtomeetO.E.performance(whereapplicable). Features and Benefits : Plasticreservoirsare100%vacuum-testedtoensureproperfunction Features and Benefits : Plasticreservoirsarevacuum-testedtoensureproperfunction(whereapplicable). Port Count : 2 Primary Port Size : M12x1.0 Secondary Port Size : M12x1.0 Master Cylinder Color/Finish : Gray Reservoir Included : No Master Cylinder Material : Aluminum Mounting Hole Quantity : 2 Bore Diameter (N) : 1.062" Bore Diameter (N-1) : 1.6 Installation Hardware Included : No Package Contents : MasterCylinder E-Waste : No |
品牌 | 替换号码 | 配件名称 | 4S店价格(元) | 关联度 | 距离 | 是否原厂替换 |
奥迪,大众,斯柯达,西雅特,布加迪 | 2E0611017C | 32 | 1 | 否 | ||
克莱斯勒,吉普,道奇 | 68005054AA | 10 | 1 | 否 | ||
福莱纳 | 68005054AA | 2 | 1 | 否 | ||
奥迪,大众,斯柯达,西雅特,布加迪 | 2E0612107C | 1 | 1 | 否 | ||
克莱斯勒,吉普,道奇 | 68005054AB | 4 | 2 | 否 | ||
克莱斯勒,吉普,道奇 | 68005054AC | 2 | 2 | 否 | ||
奔驰,精灵,迈巴赫 | A0004317601 | 30 | 3 | 否 | ||
奥迪,大众,斯柯达,西雅特,布加迪 | 2E0611017CS1 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
奔驰,精灵,迈巴赫 | A000431760105 | 1 | 3 | 否 | ||
奔驰,精灵,迈巴赫 | A0000174352 | 1 | 3 | 否 | ||
奔驰,精灵,迈巴赫 | A0004311927 | 1 | 3 | 否 | ||
奥迪,大众,斯柯达,西雅特,布加迪 | 2E0611017 | 1 | 3 | 否 | ||
奔驰,精灵,迈巴赫 | A0004317301 | 1 | 3 | 否 | ||
1 | 3 | 否 |
品牌 | 替换号码 | 配件名称 | 配件中文名称 | 关联度 | 距离 |
FEBI BILSTEIN | 45974 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 4 | 2 |
STELLOX | 0585457SX | Wheel Brake Cylinder | 制动鼓分泵 | 4 | 2 |
A.B.S. | 61250 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 4 | 2 |
SWAG | 10945974 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 4 | 2 |
TRUCKTEC AUTOMOTIVE | 0235384 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 3 | 2 |
CARDONE | 133615 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 3 | 2 |
雷贝斯托 | MC390988 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 3 | 2 |
OPEN PARTS | FBM137800 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 3 | 2 |
KAWE | B1748 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
FTE | H2691871 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
MAGNETI MARELLI | 360219130449 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
天合 | PMN204 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
力派尔 | 1748 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
A.B.S. | 61262 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
泰明顿 | 33075800 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
CAR | 6202 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
MALO | 89860 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
海拉 | 8AM355504921 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
GIRLING | 4010204 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
COSID | 8AM355504921 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
布雷博 | M50042 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
METELLI | 050867 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
博世 | F026003486 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
CIFAM | 202867 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
DT Spare Parts | 468779 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
BSF | 05549 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
博世 | 0204054486 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
MAGNETI MARELLI | 359002401430 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
fri.tech. | PF982 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
TRUSTING | PF982 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
PROTECHNIC | PRH3669 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
TRISCAN | 813010127 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
ABE | C9M010ABE | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 2 |
Dorman | M630516 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 1 | 2 |
FTE | H25901171 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 4 |
fri.tech. | PF897 | Brake Master Cylinder | 制动总泵 | 2 | 4 |