品牌 | 配件号码 | 配件名称 | 属性 | 4S店价格(元) |
CARDONE | 19B2878 | 制动盘卡钳 |
Product Condition : Remanufactured FAQs : Asymptomofalowbrakepedalisusuallycausedbyairinthesystem,misadjustedbrakes,wornbrakepads,adeterioratedflexiblebrakehoseoramisadjustedMasterCylinderpushrod. FAQs : Asarule,alwaysusebrakefluidrecommendedbyO.E.Thefluidtypeisstampedonthemastercylinderreservoirlid.Alwaysusenewfluidinasealedcontainer. FAQs : Brakesquealisusuallycausedbyvibration.Alwaysmakesurethepadsaretightonthecaliper.Manyvehiclesrequiredclinchingofthetabstoassureatightfit.Also,makesuretherotorswerecutwithanon-directionalfinishanduseaanti-squealcompound. FAQs : Brakessquealallofthetime.What'scausingthesqueal? FAQs : Checkthesteeringandsuspension.Then,inspectbothcalipersforbindingorstickyslidesorpins.Checkbrakeliningforoil,greaseorunevenwear.Inspectbrakehosesforrestriction.Checkforpropertirepressure. FAQs : Couldcalipersbethecauseofalowbrakepedal? FAQs : Mycarpullstoonesideduringbraking.Why? FAQs : Phenolicpistonsdonotrust.Phenolicpistonsarenotaffectedbyheatormoistureinthebrakesystemandtheyalsodampenbrakesystemnoise. FAQs : WhataretheadvantagesofPhenolicpistonsoversteel? FAQs : WhattypeoffluidshouldIuse:DOT3,DOT4,orDOT5? Features and Benefits : 100%pressuretestedtoguaranteeproperfunctionunderalldrivingconditions Features and Benefits : 100%S.A.E.specificrubbersealsensurelike-newperformance Features and Benefits : Everycaliperconsistentlyincludesallhardwareneededtoensurequick,convenientinstallation,whileofferingyouthechoicetoinstallyourownpreferredgradeofpads Features and Benefits : Mountingboltsnotincluded Features and Benefits : Newbleederscrewsprovidetrouble-freebleedingandapositiveseal Features and Benefits : Newcopperwashersareincludedforaperfectseal Features and Benefits : Plasticcappluginbrakeportlineprotectsthreadsbeforeinstallation Brake Caliper Finish : Unfinished Brake Piston Count : 1 Color : Gray Installation Hardware Included : Yes Package Contents : Caliper,Bracket,HardwareKit Bleeder Port Size : M8x1.25 Inlet Port Size : M10x1.0 Piston Material : Steel Piston Size (OD) (in) : 2.36 Piston Size (OD) (mm) : 60.00 Pads Included : No Mounting Bolts Included : No E-Waste : No |
品牌 | 替换号码 | 配件名称 | 4S店价格(元) | 关联度 | 距离 | 是否原厂替换 |
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34112282176 | 23 | 1 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34112282618 | 前制动钳(右) | 4470 | 19 | 2 | 否 |
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157500 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
奥迪,大众,斯柯达,西雅特,布加迪 | 251615124C | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111150387 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111150388 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111156185 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111156186 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157387 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157388 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157389 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157390 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157495 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157496 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157499 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
奥迪,大众,斯柯达,西雅特,布加迪 | 251615123C | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157501 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157502 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157625 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111157626 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111160325 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111160326 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111160361 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111160362 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111160363 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111160364 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111160367 | 前制动钳(左) | 4660 | 2 | 3 | 否 |
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111160368 | 前制动钳(右) | 4660 | 2 | 3 | 否 |
宝马,迷你,劳斯莱斯,之诺 | 34111160939 | 2 | 3 | 否 |
品牌 | 替换号码 | 配件名称 | 配件中文名称 | 关联度 | 距离 |
DEPA | ET74563 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
DELCO REMY | DC885247 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
SPIDAN | 404563 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
布雷博 | F06213 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
BUDWEG CALIPER | 344563 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
A.B.S. | 422882 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
KAWE | 344563 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
ELSTOCK | 832066 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
AUTOFREN SEINSA | D41386C | Repair Kit, brake caliper | 制动卡钳修理包 | 2 | 2 |
DRI | 3206620 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
AMK | TCA3378 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
SNRA | 1224850 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
EDR | DC885247 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
ERT | 401455 | Repair Kit, brake caliper | 制动卡钳修理包 | 2 | 2 |
APEC BRAKING | RCA350 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
EAI | 2224850 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
REMY | DC885247 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
CARDONE | 192878 | Remanufactured Disc Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 2 | 2 |
DA SILVA | ET5229 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 1 | 2 |
BRAKE ENGINEERING | CA2442R | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 1 | 2 |
VEGE | 22574302 | Brake Caliper | 制动盘卡钳 | 1 | 2 |