
替换号码 ( 242657 )


品牌 配件号码 配件名称 属性 4S店价格(元)
CARDONE 242657 Remanufactured Rack and Pinion Assembly Product Condition : Remanufactured
FAQs : Forthefirstfewminutesofdrivingmycar,thesteeringishard.Istherackandpinionbadorthepowersteeringpump?
FAQs : Ireplacedtherackandnowthepowersteeringpumpiswhining.Whathappened?Itneverdidthisbefore!
FAQs : Steeringnotreturningtocentercomingoutofaturn.Whatcouldbecausingthis?
FAQs : Themostlikelycauseofpowersteeringpumpwhineisairinthesystem.TheSteeringsystemmustbebledcompletely.
Features and Benefits : 100%newO.E.M.styleO-ringsandlipsealsensurenoleakingandlong-lastingperformance,whereapplicable
Features and Benefits : Allnewspoolvalvesealsandrackdonutsealsareinstalledtoeliminateinternalleaksandensurereliableperformance,whereapplicable
Features and Benefits : ApplicationofSpecializedLubricant(s)forExtendedLife
Features and Benefits : BuilttomeetorexceedO.E.M.performance
Features and Benefits : EachUnitundergoesCARDONE’sFactoryTestDrive,simulatingextremeoperatingconditionswhileverifyingallon-carcommunications.
Features and Benefits : FinishedinProtectivecoatingtoPreventCorrosionand/orRust
Features and Benefits : Manualrackandpinionsaresuppliedwithpremium-qualitybearingshelptodeliverasmoothersteeringexperience
Features and Benefits : ReplacementofRubberSealingComponents
Features and Benefits : Valvehousings,whereapplicable,havepolishedmicro-finishsleevingsfordurability
Input Shaft Length (in) : 2.88
Input Shaft Length (mm) : 73.03
Input Shaft Diameter (in) : 0.58
Input Shaft Diameter (mm) : 14.76
Rack Length (in) : 45.75
Rack Length (mm) : 1162.05
Thread Length (in) : 1.65
Thread Length (mm) : 41.94
Number of Mounting Holes : 2
Distance Between Mounting Holes (in) : 11.94
Distance Between Mounting Holes (mm) : 303.23
Steering Rack Color/Finish : Black
Casting Material : Aluminum
Tie Rod Ends Included : Inner
Total Turns Lock to Lock : 3.97
Installation Hardware Included : No
Package Contents : RackandPinion,InstructionSheet
E-Waste : No




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美乐28160310006Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
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STELLOX5553012SXTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
PARTS-MALLCTK028Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
STELLOX5553012ASXTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
AYWIPARTSAW1370043LRTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
