品牌 | 配件号码 | 配件名称 | 属性 | 4S店价格(元) |
CARDONE | 609247 | 传动轴 |
Product Condition : Remanufactured FAQs : Alwaysusetheproperpresstypetooltoremovetheoldstubshaft.NEVERstriketheouterjointstubshaftwithahammer.Itwilldamagetheunitandpossiblydodamagetothehubbearingassembly. FAQs : AretheCVDriveAxleshaftsbalancedatthefactory? FAQs : CanIlettheCVDriveAxleshangwhileIamworkingonthecar? FAQs : Ihearagrindingnoisefromthefrontendwhiledrivingandseegreaseonthechassisandsuspension.Whatiscausingthis? FAQs : IinstalledareplacementCVdriveaxleandnowmyABSlightisonandwon'tgoout.Why? FAQs : IremovedbothCVdriveaxlesatthesametimeandnowIamhavingproblemsreinstallingthem.WhatcanIdo? FAQs : IsitOKtouseanimpacthammertoinstalltheretainingnut? FAQs : NeverallowtheCVDriveAxlestohangunsupported.Thiscanleadtoaxleseparationanddamagetotheinnerjoint. FAQs : NeveruseanimpactwrenchtoinstalltheretainingnutontheCVDriveAxle.Alwaysuseatorquewrenchandtorquethenuttomanufacture'sspecifications. FAQs : NO!Aprevailingtorquelocknutshouldneverbereused.Alwaysdiscardtheoldnutandinstallanewone. FAQs : Shaftsareinspected100%forrunouttopreventvibrations. OnlyshaftsthatmeetthespecificationsforrunoutareutilizedintheremanufacturingofaCVDriveAxleassembly. FAQs : TheCVDriveAxleoutboardjointstubshaftisstuckinthehubassembly.What'sthebestwaytoremoveit? FAQs : Themostlikelycauseisabrokenbearingcageduetoexcessivetorqueload. Thisistypicallyanoutboardjointproblem. FAQs : ThemostlikelycauseisadefectiveorwornouterCVdriveaxlejoint.Itmaybetimetogetitreplaced. FAQs : Themostlikelycauseisthedrivetrainshiftinginthechassisduetoabrokenenginemountorhardware,causingmisalignmentoftheCVdriveaxleandcausingtheinnerjointtobindorhangup. FAQs : ThemostlikelyproblemistheouterCVdriveaxleboothasruptured,causingthegreasetoleakout,allowingcontamination(wateranddirt)toenteranddamagethejoint. FAQs : TheoldCVDriveAxlehasalockingstyle(prevailingtorque)nut. ShouldIreuseit? FAQs : Thetransaxlegearalignmenthasbeenlost.Onsomevehiclesitwillbenecessarytodisassemblethetransaxletoproperlyaligntheoutputgears.ALWAYSremoveandinstalloneCVdriveaxleatatime. FAQs : ThewheelswobblewhenImakeaturn.What'stheproblem? FAQs : WhenIcutthewheelhardandsteponthegas,Ihearloudclickingandsnapping.What'smakingthatnoise? FAQs : WhenIreplacetheCVdriveaxles,shouldIreusetheoldseals? FAQs : WhenIsteponthegas,Ihearaloudthumpandfeelabadvibration.What'swrong? FAQs : WhenreplacingCVDriveAxleassemblies,alwaysinstallnewtransaxlesealstoavoidleaking. FAQs : Whenthereplacementdriveaxlewasinstalled,thesensorring,sensor,orsensorwiringonorneartheaxlewasdamaged,causinganerraticspeedsignaltotheABSmoduleandsettingthelighton. Features and Benefits : Bootclampsarepneumaticallycrimpedcreatingaperfectsealbetweenthebootandhousing. Features and Benefits : CVDriveAxleismeasured100%afterassemblytoensureproperfit. Features and Benefits : CVDriveAxleshaftsareinspected100%forrunouttopreventvibrations. Features and Benefits : High-qualitygreasewithstandshigh-temperatureandpressureextremes,whichextendsjointlife. Features and Benefits : High-techgrindingmachinesmaintaintheoriginaldesignoftheouterhousing,raceandcagetoguaranteereliableperformance. Features and Benefits : Splinesarechased100%toensureproperfitoftheaxleintothematinghubandtransmission,whicheliminatesinstallationhassles. Features and Benefits : Threadsarechased100%toensureproperfitofthenewretainingnutsuppliedwitheachCVdriveaxle. Compressed Length : 213/8"To215/8" ABS Ring Included : Yes ABS Ring Tooth Count : 29 Input Shaft Connection Style : Spline Input Shaft Spline Count : 34 Output Shaft Connection Style : Spline Output Shaft Spline Count : 33 Spindle Nut Included : Yes Spindle Nut Hex Head Size : 32mm Spindle Nut Thread Size : M22x1.5 Axle Nut Locking Type : SelfLock E-Waste : No |
品牌 | 替换号码 | 配件名称 | 4S店价格(元) | 关联度 | 距离 | 是否原厂替换 |
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 4247904 | 2 | 1 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 4242327 | 1 | 1 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 4242319 | 9 | 3 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 90157212 | 11 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 90278734 | 11 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 374048 | 8 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 374195 | 8 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 90125876 | 8 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 374118 | 8 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 374067 | 8 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 93173430 | 6 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 90375228 | 5 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 1603237 | 3 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 374148 | 3 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 9317340 | 3 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 0374195 | 3 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 0374118 | 3 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 0374048 | 2 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 0374148 | 2 | 5 | 否 | ||
通用,别克,雪佛兰,凯迪拉克,悍马,欧宝,萨博 | 0374067 | 2 | 5 | 否 |
品牌 | 替换号码 | 配件名称 | 配件中文名称 | 关联度 | 距离 |
CARDONE | 609246 | Remanufactured CV Axle Shaft | 传动轴 | 2 | 2 |
AYWIPARTS | AW1520378 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 18 | 4 |
LYNXAUTO | CI5902 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 18 | 4 |
冠盛 | 644002 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 14 | 4 |
LOEBRO | 301144 | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 8 | 4 |
EKG | 921476 | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 8 | 4 |
SHAFTEC | PJ15N | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 8 | 4 |
SPIDAN | 21476 | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 8 | 4 |
BGA | CV9515B | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 8 | 4 |
MAXGEAR | 490277 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 11 | 6 |
AUTEX | 821711 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 10 | 6 |
力派尔 | KOP816 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 10 | 6 |
FORMPART | 20398030S | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 10 | 6 |
STELLOX | 1501672SX | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 10 | 6 |
TALOSA | 77OP5003 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 9 | 6 |
OPEN PARTS | CVJ540520 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 9 | 6 |
JP GROUP | 1243500259 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 8 | 6 |
JP GROUP | 1243500250 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 8 | 6 |
ODM MULTIPARTS | 14236033 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 8 | 6 |
美乐 | 6144980016 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 8 | 6 |
FARCOM | 240241 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 7 | 6 |
OPEN PARTS | CVJ540720 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 7 | 6 |
CEVAM | 6541 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 7 | 6 |
DA SILVA | J6033 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 7 | 6 |
OPTIMAL | CT1007 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 7 | 6 |
FARCOM | 240239 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 7 | 6 |
EKG | 921457 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 7 | 6 |
BUGIAD | 51333 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 7 | 6 |
DENCKERMANN | C120056 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 7 | 6 |
AUTOTEAM | G450041 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 7 | 6 |