品牌 | 配件号码 | 配件名称 | 属性 | 4S店价格(元) |
CARDONE | 665308 | 传动轴;半轴 |
Product Condition : New FAQs : Alwaysusetheproperpresstypetooltoremovetheoldstubshaft.NEVERstriketheouterjointstubshaftwithahammer.Itwilldamagetheunitandpossiblydodamagetothehubbearingassembly. FAQs : CanIlettheCVDriveAxleshangwhileIamworkingonthecar? FAQs : Ihearagrindingnoisefromthefrontendwhiledrivingandseegreaseonthechassisandsuspension.Whatiscausingthis? FAQs : IinstalledareplacementCVdriveaxleandnowmyABSlightisonandwon'tgoout.Why? FAQs : IremovedbothCVdriveaxlesatthesametimeandnowIamhavingproblemsreinstallingthem.WhatcanIdo? FAQs : IsitOKtouseanimpacthammertoinstalltheretainingnut? FAQs : NeverallowtheCVDriveAxlestohangunsupported.Thiscanleadtoaxleseparationanddamagetotheinnerjoint. FAQs : NeveruseanimpactwrenchtoinstalltheretainingnutontheCVDriveAxle.Alwaysuseatorquewrenchandtorquethenuttomanufacture'sspecifications. FAQs : NO!Aprevailingtorquelocknutshouldneverbereused.Alwaysdiscardtheoldnutandinstallanewone. FAQs : TheCVDriveAxleoutboardjointstubshaftisstuckinthehubassembly.What'sthebestwaytoremoveit? FAQs : Themostlikelycauseisabrokenbearingcageduetoexcessivetorqueload. Thisistypicallyanoutboardjointproblem. FAQs : ThemostlikelycauseisadefectiveorwornouterCVdriveaxlejoint.Itmaybetimetogetitreplaced. FAQs : Themostlikelycauseisthedrivetrainshiftinginthechassisduetoabrokenenginemountorhardware,causingmisalignmentoftheCVdriveaxleandcausingtheinnerjointtobindorhangup. FAQs : ThemostlikelyproblemistheouterCVdriveaxleboothasruptured,causingthegreasetoleakout,allowingcontamination(wateranddirt)toenteranddamagethejoint. FAQs : TheoldCVDriveAxlehasalockingstyle(prevailingtorque)nut. ShouldIreuseit? FAQs : Thetransaxlegearalignmenthasbeenlost.Onsomevehiclesitwillbenecessarytodisassemblethetransaxletoproperlyaligntheoutputgears.ALWAYSremoveandinstalloneCVdriveaxleatatime. FAQs : ThewheelswobblewhenImakeaturn.What'stheproblem? FAQs : WhenIcutthewheelhardandsteponthegas,Ihearloudclickingandsnapping.What'smakingthatnoise? FAQs : WhenIreplacetheCVdriveaxles,shouldIreusetheoldseals? FAQs : WhenIsteponthegas,Ihearaloudthumpandfeelabadvibration.What'swrong? FAQs : WhenreplacingCVDriveAxleassemblies,alwaysinstallnewtransaxlesealstoavoidleaking. FAQs : Whenthereplacementdriveaxlewasinstalled,thesensorring,sensor,orsensorwiringonorneartheaxlewasdamaged,causinganerraticspeedsignaltotheABSmoduleandsettingthelighton. Features and Benefits : AnewCVDriveAxleretainingnutissuppliedwitheveryunitforahassle-freeinstallation,duetothelikelihoodoftheoriginalretainingnutbeingwornorstripped. Features and Benefits : Bootclampsarepneumaticallycrimpedcreatingaperfectsealbetweenthebootandhousing. Features and Benefits : CVDriveAxlemeasurementsarevalidated100%afterassemblytoensureaproperfit. Features and Benefits : High-qualitygreasewithstandshigh-temperatureandhigh-torquedemandstoensurelong-lasting,reliableperformance. Features and Benefits : Neoprenebootsaredesignedwithadditionalbellows,whenneeded,toresistbellowstressandcrackingduetoenvironment,whichistheleadingcauseofbootfailure. Features and Benefits : ProprietaryengineeringprocessesensurethatallCVDriveAxlesmeetO.E.form,fitandfunction. Features and Benefits : Severe-DutyCVDriveAxlesincludeathermoplasticoutboardbootforincreasedlifeanddurabilityversusatraditionalneopreneboot. Features and Benefits : SplinesareprecisionrolledtoensureproperfitofCVDriveAxleintothematinghubandtransmission,whicheliminatesinstallationhassles. Features and Benefits : Threadsareprecisionrolledtoensureproperfitwhenaxlenutisinstalled. Compressed Length : 269/16" ABS Ring Included : Yes ABS Ring Tooth Count : 48 Input Shaft Connection Style : Spline Input Shaft Spline Count : 24 Output Shaft Connection Style : Spline Output Shaft Spline Count : 30 Spindle Nut Included : Yes Spindle Nut Hex Head Size : 30mm Spindle Nut Thread Size : M22x1.5 Axle Nut Locking Type : Stake E-Waste : No |
品牌 | 替换号码 | 配件名称 | 4S店价格(元) | 关联度 | 距离 | 是否原厂替换 |
丰田,雷克萨斯,塞恩 | 434200T020 | 前半轴(左) | 5060 | 4 | 1 | 否 |
丰田,雷克萨斯,塞恩 | 434200E030 | 前半轴(左) | 6736 | 3 | 1 | 否 |
丰田,雷克萨斯,塞恩 | 434200T010 | 前半轴(左) | 5079 | 3 | 1 | 否 |
丰田,雷克萨斯,塞恩 | 434200T011 | 前半轴(左) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 否 |
捷豹,路虎 | TDB500100 | 前半轴(右) | 5181.64 | 9 | 3 | 否 |
丰田,雷克萨斯,塞恩 | 430400W030 | 前半轴内球笼(左),前半轴内球笼(右) | 1812 | 7 | 3 | 否 |
日产,英菲尼迪,大产,启辰 | 39711EB30A | 5 | 3 | 否 | ||
三菱 | 3815A102 | 4 | 3 | 否 | ||
现代,起亚 | 495921H310 | 2 | 3 | 否 | ||
捷豹,路虎 | LR047294 | 前半轴(右) | 3597.4 | 2 | 4 | 否 |
日产,英菲尼迪,大产,启辰 | 39100EB310 | 4 | 5 | 否 | ||
日产,英菲尼迪,大产,启辰 | 397417Y028 | 3 | 5 | 否 | ||
丰田,雷克萨斯,塞恩 | 4304028011 | 前半轴内球笼(左) | 1812 | 2 | 5 | 否 |
三菱 | 3815A101 | 2 | 5 | 否 | ||
捷豹,路虎 | TDB500110 | 前半轴(左) | 2997.63 | 1 | 5 | 否 |
现代,起亚 | 495053F850 | 1 | 5 | 否 | ||
三菱 | MR580450 | 前半轴(右) | 6377 | 1 | 5 | 否 |
三菱 | MR580449 | 前半轴(左) | 6377 | 1 | 5 | 否 |
捷豹,路虎 | LR072070 | 前半轴(右) | 8354.32 | 1 | 5 | 否 |
捷豹,路虎 | TDB500090 | 前半轴(左) | 5181.64 | 1 | 5 | 否 |
沃尔沃 | 36011298 | 前半轴(右) | 6652.6 | 1 | 5 | 否 |
日产,英菲尼迪,大产,启辰 | 397111AA0B | 1 | 5 | 否 | ||
现代,起亚 | 495973F060 | 1 | 5 | 否 |
品牌 | 替换号码 | 配件名称 | 配件中文名称 | 关联度 | 距离 |
FEBEST | 0116AGV10 | Tripod Hub, Drive shaft | 5 | 2 | |
STELLOX | 1601098SX | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 2 | 2 |
FEBEST | 0111AGV10LH | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 2 |
CARDONE | 605306 | Remanufactured CV Axle Shaft | 传动轴 | 1 | 2 |
CARDONE | 605308 | Remanufactured CV Axle Shaft | 传动轴 | 1 | 2 |
CARDONE | 605383 | Remanufactured CV Axle Shaft | 传动轴 | 1 | 2 |
CEVAM | 7768Z | Drive Shaft | 传动轴 | 2 | 4 |
FEBEST | 0116GSV40 | Tripod Hub, Drive shaft | 1 | 4 | |
ASVA | LRIRD3F2 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
ODM MULTIPARTS | 18272401 | Drive Shaft | 传动轴 | 1 | 4 |
FEBEST | 2911DIVFRH | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
ASVA | LRD3F2A48 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
SHAFTEC | RO205R | Drive Shaft | 传动轴 | 1 | 4 |
SHAFTEC | CV1359N | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
冠盛 | 839134 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
SHAFTEC | RO192R | Drive Shaft | 传动轴 | 1 | 4 |
PATRON | PCV1410 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
ASVA | NSIUR51 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
STELLOX | 1601055SX | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
FEBEST | 0211R51 | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
FEBEST | 2211CEED | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
PASCAL | G72006PC | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
PATRON | PCV1570 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
FEBEST | 0111GSV40LH | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
AUTEX | 822911 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
冠盛 | 659082 | Joint Kit, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
FEBEST | 2211OPIRH | Joint, drive shaft | 半轴球笼 | 1 | 4 |
品牌 | 车型 | 发动机 | 发动机排量 | 进气形式 | 燃油类型 | 功率(KW) | 变速箱 | 变速箱档位数 | |
雷克萨斯 | RX 典雅版 2010 | 2GR-FE | 3.5L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
雷克萨斯 | RX 豪华版 2009 | 2GR-FE | 3.5L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
雷克萨斯 | RX 尊贵版 2009 | 2GR-FE | 3.5L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
雷克萨斯 | RX 典雅版 2012 | 2GR-FE | 3.5L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
雷克萨斯 | RX 2012 | 2GR-FE | 3.5L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
雷克萨斯 | RX 豪华版 2012 | 2GR-FE | 3.5L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 | ||
雷克萨斯 | RX 尊贵版 2012 | 2GR-FE | 3.5L | 自然吸气 | 汽油 | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | 6 |