
替换号码 ( HYAX2632 )


品牌 配件号码 配件名称 属性 4S店价格(元)
MOOG HYAX2632 转向横拉杆 Thread Measurement 1 : M16X1.5
Thread Measurement 2 : M14X1.5
Thread Type : with right-hand thread
Fitting Position : Left and right
Fitting Position : inner
Fitting Position : Front Axle
Diameter 1 [mm] : 16
Length [mm] : 343




TRISCAN850043208Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆42
爱信JAJHY002Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆42
KAVO PARTSSTR3015Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆42
BORG & BECKBTR4743Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆42
蒙诺L43208Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆42
COMLINECTR3299Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆42
KAWE850043208Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆42
FIRST LINEFTR4743Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆42
ACEMARK205799Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
德尔福TA2022Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
LYNXAUTOC2312LRTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
DJ PARTSDR1062Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
LEMFORDER2241201Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
美乐37160310009Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
RTS9208609Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
AYWIPARTSAW1370122LRTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
FENOXSP40047Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
ASHUKI14523150Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
TALOSA4407357Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
HERTH+BUSS JAKOPARTSJ4840520Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
BIRTHAX0117Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
ASMETAL20HY3005Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
NIPPARTSJ4840520Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
MAPCO59555Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
STELLOX5551008SXTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
STELLOX5501031ASXTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
天合JAR1311Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
奔德士040903BTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
OPTIMALG21031Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
OCAP0601579Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
A.B.S.240384Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
FORMPART3707011Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
FLENNORFL0920CTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
MOOGHYAX1818Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
MAGNETI MARELLI600000145760Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
STELLOX5501031SXTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
STELLOX5502637ASXTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
STELLOX5551009SXTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
FEBEST1222MATTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
RUVILLE918449Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
MOOGHYAX2637Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
KAWEFL0920CTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
SIDEM87119Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
MDRMRE8H15Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
RIWHY3009Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
MAGNETI MARELLI600000145700Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12


现代(进口)美佳 2005G4ED1.6L自然吸气汽油手动变速器(MT)5
现代(进口)美佳 2005G4ED1.6L自然吸气汽油自动变速器(AT)4
现代(进口)美佳 2005G4GB1.8L自然吸气汽油自动变速器(AT)4
现代(进口)胜达 2004G6BA2.7L自然吸气汽油手自一体变速器(AMT)4