
替换号码 ( J4844023 )


品牌 配件号码 配件名称 属性 4S店价格(元)
HERTH+BUSS JAKOPARTS J4844023 转向横拉杆 Thread Measurement 1 : M14X1.5
Thread Measurement 2 : M14x1,5
Length [mm] : 143,5




MAGNETI MARELLI600000147370Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
爱信JAJHO010Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
ASHUKIH58916Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆32
RUVILLE917450Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
AYWIPARTSAW1370053LRTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
STELLOX5502531SXTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
CARDONE261771Remanufactured Rack and Pinion Assembly22
LYNXAUTOC2147LRTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
STELLOX5537009SXTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
YAMATOI34014YMTTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆22
MOOGHOAX2584Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
SIDEM47314Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
SWAG85942239Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
JAPANPARTSRD498Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
天合JAR480Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
VAICOV709615Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
OCAP0604548Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
KAVO PARTSSTR2008Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
A.B.S.240095Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
FLENNORFL766CTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
ASHIKA10304498Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
KAGER410404Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
KAWEFL766CTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
BLUE PRINTADH28780Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
FIRST LINEFTR4885Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
ASHUKIH58914Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
OPTIMALG2877Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
BORG & BECKBTR4885Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
JAPKO103498Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
YAMATOI34007YMTTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
NK5032614Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
FEBI BILSTEIN42239Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
FORMPART3607036Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
MDRMRE8498Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
LEMFORDER1543202Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
德尔福TA1920Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
QUINTON HAZELLQR5260STie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
奔德士041151BTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
CARDONE261762Remanufactured Rack and Pinion Assembly12
LEMFORDER1543201Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
BIRTHAX0166Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
DITASA25885Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
SPIDAN40962Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
RUVILLE917446Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
RUVILLE917451Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
奔德士041147BTie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12
德尔福TA1923Tie Rod Axle Joint转向横拉杆12


本田(进口)里程 2004C35A3.5L自然吸气汽油自动变速器(AT)4